YKHC, or Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation, is a healthcare corporation based in Alaska. It is the tribal organization that provides comprehensive healthcare to the community. We were contacted by the design-build firm Davis Construction out of Alaska to help them design a wall assembly that will satisfy their STC 54 requirements. They, along with their design/architect partners, used this assembly to streamline their design, and reduce costs.

Importance of STC Ratings in Healthcare Projects
After a couple conference calls we were able to demonstrate how Wall Blokker, in conjunction with the other wall components, would help achieve the targeted STC. Once approved, we figured freight from our factory in NC to the port of Seattle, WA, where it would be airlifted to its final destination Bethel, AK. By using Wall Blokker as part of the base assembly, the architect was able to move to lighter-gauge studs at greater distances, which saved a significant amount of labor and material costs (and saved significant time on the schedule). The assembly actually increased the STC, especially at the lower, more problematic speech frequencies. The product worked so well that the GC decided to specify it in another building in the same city the next year.

Achieving STC ratings in healthcare facilities is crucial for medical professionals to carry out their duties. Depending on the location within the healthcare facility, target STCs can range from STC 35 (storage closets) to high-end STC 60+ (for operating rooms, private ICU rooms, or MRI rooms). The STC requirement, as in many cases, on the intended use of the rooms.
Per FGI guidelines, in order to facilitate patient sleep patterns and recovery efforts, STC 50+ is required for most patient rooms to public spaces, and STC 60+ for patient rooms to service areas. This prevents loud noises from constantly disrupting sleep patterns.
Notice that STC requirement levels can be reduced/relaxed when sound masking is used, something strongly recommended in semi-private rooms where patients share the same space, and soundproofing the walls alone does little to improve acoustical comfort. Likewise, in many ICUs, doors are left ajar to allow staff to easily check on patients – in these locations, sound masking greatly improves patient satisfaction on HCAHPS scores for sleep and comfort.
Yukon-Kuskowim Health Corporation – Wall Blokker: Conclusion
Our team was honored to complete an installation at YKHC, helping them achieve proper STC ratings. The wall assembly rated as STC 54 was a great touch to the space as well as diminishing sound between adjacent corridors. If your company is interested in installing Wall Blokker, or collaborating with us in general, don’t hesitate to contact our team!