An open office area was struggling with reverberation in their space and called Commercial Acoustics to help. We visited and found that unlike most open offices, that have issues with sound masking and speech privacy, this office setting did truly have unwanted echo in the space. This was due to a thin carpet, corrugated metal deck, and painted drywall.
Acoustic Treatment for Offices in Tampa
As is often the case with office environments, decor is a critical element of the acoustic treatment. While the reverberation time was only 1.2 seconds, the ability to conduct conference calls in the space was greatly limited by the echo heard on the other end of the line. By adding adequate acoustic treatment into these spaces, the frequency of noise complaints dropped dramatically.
Our team fabricated acoustic panels, baffles, and clouds, and used them in the space to deaden the excessive reverberation. We self-performed the install over a few hours, and finally provided their employees and staff the acoustical peace they were looking for. Feedback was great, as management noted that multiple employees were able to work in the open space at the same time for the first time since the office had opened. Furthermore, they were able to host team telecoms for the first time as well!