Tag Archives: Sound Masking

Sound Masking System Design

Sound Masking iNet

When specifying and designing a Sound Masking System, there are a number of considerations, including the type of system to be used, spacing of speakers, and desired masking levels. Types of Sound Masking Conceptually, a direct field is one where there is a line-of-sight path between the source and receiver, while diffuse fields are an […]

Sound Masking for Law Offices

Law Office Sound Masking

Speech privacy is a common issue in law offices, where confidential or private information is regularly discussed. Unlike many commercial office spaces where lack of speech privacy is only a nuisance, there may be legitimate legal concerns in law offices specifically. Commonplace in healthcare and financial industries, sound masking provides a level of background white […]

What is Sound Masking – And How Can it Help?

sound masking speakers

Sound Masking is the method of adding ambient noise to a space to “drown out” background distractions and conversations, without impairing the ability to communicate. This is often the least understood sound control methodology, since it is counter-intuitive that adding noise into a space may improve the acoustics within.  Sound masking works by subtly and […]

How to Expand a Sound Masking System

how to expand a sound masking system

A common question we encounter from clients is what to do when expanding on an existing sound masking system in their office space. During remodels or office expansion it’s common to add additional square footage and cubicle space where adjacent offices or storage space were located. In these cases, the speech privacy the sound masking […]

Soundproof Phone Booths – Do They Work?

Soundproof Phone Booths

With companies like Room.com, and others joining the marketplace, office designers and managers have to weigh the pros and cons of adding soundproof phone booths to the office. Advertised as a way to improve speech privacy in an open office setting, the booths provide a secluded environment centrally located for employees to take quick phone […]

How to Install Sound Masking Speakers

sound masking layout

Sound Masking systems are best used in open areas where distracting noises can make it difficult to focus or relax. This is commonplace in open offices and bullpens, as well as call centers and libraries. Sound masking provides speech privacy in the space, so that employees can focus in the office without annoying and distracting […]

White Noise vs Pink Noise – What’s the Difference

difference between white noise and pink noise

Here’s a question we get everyday: White noise vs pink noise – what’s the difference? Sound masking systems are often described as “white noise machines” or “pink noise speaker systems”, when in reality they are approximated as a blend of both. White noise is the same sound intensity at all frequencies, while pink noise decreases […]

How Sound Masking Works

sound masking components

When faced with an acoustical problem such as a noisy office, oftentimes the root cause is overlooked. Modern office design and architecture places a premium on open floor plans and collaborative workspaces which lack the ubiquitous partition walls, carpets, and even the acoustical ceiling tiles that we’ve all become accustomed to seeing. As a result, […]

Effect of Noise on Sleep and Health

sleeping newborn

Noise is a critical component on sleep quality. Unlike other sensory perception, such as sight, there are no protective coverings over the ears. While eyelids close to limit perceived light, the ear canals remain open and unchanged throughout the night. That means the only difference between perception of sound between the day and night is […]

Open Plan Offices vs. Closed Plan Offices

closed office plan with acoustic treatment for speech privacy

Though there are many distractions in the workplace, one of the most commonly noted is noise. Excessive background noise from coworkers typing, chatting, or talking on the phone can distract others from their work, making them less productive. To combat this issue, many offices have begun to consider speech privacy, and have looked for ways […]