Intelligent Design is a full service Custom Electronics company located in South Florida. Their office offers unique showrooms where they can demonstrate products to potential customers. One of the showrooms is a smart home theater, which ended up requiring acoustic treatment. Commercial Acoustics was contracted to install floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall stretched fabric wall around the entire home theater room.
Home Theater Acoustic Treatment
The components of stretched fabric wall include:
- Edge track and center track
- 1″ or 2″ thick, 6 pcf, Fiberglass Core
- Acoustically transparent fabric

When acoustic wall panels are required to cover an entire wall, it’s best to opt for a fabric wall rather than individual, custom-sized panels. The track for a fabric wall can be fit around tight corners, such as door jambs, and penetrations, such as outlets and vents.
At Intelligent Design, work was sequenced as follows:
- Our team first stapled the edge track and center track where required around the theater room. Edge track is used around the perimeter of the wall, while center track is spaced out evenly between, since the fabric roll only comes about 5″ wide.
- Next, they placed 1″ thick fiberglass core between the pieces of track.
- Finally, FR701 acoustically transparent fabric was tucked over and around the acoustical core.

Benefits of Stretched Fabric Wall for Home Theaters
You might notice that the movie theaters you go to have fabric covering the walls, carpeting and heavy velvet curtains around the screen. Along with heavily soundproofed walls, movie theaters and home theaters typically require acoustic treatment to allow for good sound quality for moviegoers.
Without the proper acoustics in venues such as movie theaters or auditoriums, people can’t understand what’s going on due to excess echo and reverb. With a stretched fabric wall or acoustic panels installed in a home theater or movie theater, they prevent sound waves from bouncing off the walls and creating echo, making the viewing experience much more pleasant.