Soundproofing is an obstacle general contractors face during both new construction projects and renovations. The mistake of installing 2 or more layers of drywall is commonly made when combating this issue in the hopes that the extra layers will provide a sufficient sound barrier. Multiple layers of drywall may muffle some sound but will not make any drastic impact on noise control, which leads many looking for drywall alternatives.
Alternatives to Drywall
Drywall, while an extremely useful building resource, is designed for the construction of walls, not for blocking noise. Typical drywall contains a solid gypsum core that vibrates as it encounters sound waves, allowing noise to pass through easily. Not only does layered drywall do little to block out sound, procuring and installing the extra material is expensive and time-consuming.
Wasted time and money can be avoided by installing Wall Blokker underneath one single layer of drywall. Wall Blokker is specifically designed to block airborne noise as well as decouple drywall from underlying studs to decrease structure-borne noise in both walls and ceilings. It is easy to install and requires less time and effort than purchasing and layering extra sheets of drywall.
Most importantly, Wall Blokker will reduce 75% of airborne and impact noise, something no amount of drywall can do. In addition to its impressive noise blocking abilities, Wall Blokker offers barriers against moisture and air, making it a 3-in-1 solution.
Choosing Wall Blokker allows for the construction of a significantly quieter structure with less material and labor than layered drywall.