New Orleans Police Department Acoustic Treatment

new orleans police department soundproofing

Commercial Acoustics provided ceiling-mounted absorption panels at the New Orleans Police department building on Broadway Street.

The architect, Concordia, also based in New Orleans, determined that acoustic treatment was needed in the interview rooms to improve the speech quality. Similar to other Police Stations and Sheriff’s Offices, acoustic absorption is a critical tool for architects and contractors to provide a functional space for the end client.

No sound masking or soundproofing was needed due to the buffer zone outside of the interview rooms, meaning that speech was not audible in other sensitive areas. If sound transmission was a primary issue, sound masking would be implemented to improve speech privacy. This is a common approach for law enforcement to mask unwanted noise transfer.

After installing the panels, the reverberation time in the space was reduce from 0.9 to 0.5 seconds. This brought the room into the target range for clear speech intelligibility. The acoustic panels were directly mounted to the ceiling

NOPD Police Soundproofing  

PHOTOS: Reverberation Readings before and after Acoustic Treatment – New Orleans Police Department

New Orleans Acoustical Clients

Commercial Acoustics specializes in soundproofing and acoustic solutions across the United States. Headquartered in Tampa Florida, and with a regional office in New Orleans, they provide soundproofing, sound absorption, and acoustic consulting services to a wide range of clients. Across New Orleans and Louisiana, Commercial Acoustics performs design-assist and consulting services with architects, and installs a wide range of proprietary acoustic treatments, including:

For additional information or a site visit in your area, contact Commercial Acoustics New Orleans at (504) 220-9050.

New Orleans Police Department Acoustic Treatment
Article Name
New Orleans Police Department Acoustic Treatment
New Orleans Police Department was in need of acoustic treatment in their interview rooms. Acoustic ceiling panels were used to reduce reverberation.
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Commercial Acpustics
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