Commercial Acoustics has developed as an independent division of the Residential Acoustics soundproofing firm. Started just 3 years ago on the kitchen floor of a noisy apartment, the company began focusing on soundproofing curtains. After prototypes and patents were completed on a shoestring budget, they brought the curtains to market and haven’t looked back.
However, something strange happened as customers called in for soundproofing curtains – sound didn’t just come from their windows. Sometimes it came from neighbors & spouses, upstairs & downstairs, in the form of whistles and clangs. What quickly became apparent is that a single solution does not fit all problems, and other solutions needed to be developed. This leads to an underlying principle in the acoustical consulting industry – every solution MUST be customized for the problem at hand.
The company began developing soundproofing membranes for walls and floors, sound masking systems for open offices, absorption panels for noisy rooms, and even using ground-breaking technologies for consulting with city planners and developers.
Soundproofing Firm named in Florida Companies to Watch
After treating dozens of projects – from home studios to multi-million dollar condos and mixed-use multi-family developments – the company has now been named to Florida’s Companies to Watch list for 2016.
We continue to see the vast majority of properties either not meeting the sound attenuation portion of the Building Code, or simply not using practical, cost-free acoustical design approaches. In the end, soundproofing in residential and commercial applications only works if the owners and tenants agree that it’s needed. Most tenants do agree, and developers are willing to pay the price if they see a value-add to their properties and are reminded how and why to do the right thing.
To learn more about how Commercial Acoustics is disrupting the soundproofing industry, check out their automated acoustic tools or case studies within.