Commercial Acoustics was contracted by JE Dunn to furnish & install new ACT as part of a renovation program at the Brooksville Elementary School. This is a phased, eight part project as part of a major mechanical equipment overhaul at the facility. As each VAV and other HVAC equipment is replaced, the existing ceiling must be demo’ed and new grid and tile dropped in place.

See More: 3rd Party Acoustical Products
Acoustic Ceiling Tile for Classrooms

Over the course of four weeks, our ceiling team installed 4,000 square feet of Fine Fissured tile on 15/16” Prelude grid. The Fine Fissured tile consisted of four different parts, accounting for the various sizes (2’x2’ and 2’x4’) and thicknesses (standard 5/8” THK and School Zone ¾” THK).
School zone tiles are typically required in all student access areas, since they are expected to be subjected to more abuse than faculty locations. A precision demolition process was required to allow partial replacement, since much of the ductwork and equipment only affects a small portion of the rooms.
Main beams were spliced into the existing mains for a seamless integration. 4’ Cross Tees were cut in place to allow access for mechanical work. New soffits and fur-downs were required in a number of locations, requiring additional wall angle to allow the new room geometry.
Upcoming Renovation Goals for Brooksville

As is often the case with renovation work, there is a fair amount of fluid scope on the project as new mechanical units are identified and required for removal. In these cases, Commercial Acoustics provides daily time & material logs to allow for accurate tracking of added scopes, and allow the general contractors to move quickly and effectively to address these changes.
In the span of 12 months, our team will continue to demo and replace the ceiling systems in the remaining 7 buildings. Once the installation is fully complete, Brooksville should expect a completely transformative space that appears sleek and sophisticated. This renovation project will allow the school to serve the local population for years to come.
If your business is in need of a renovation or acoustic treatment, please contact our team and we will be happy to help.