In healthcare, minimizing the level of noise as much as possible so that patients can rest and heal in comfort is an ongoing challenge. As part of an AHCA review of a recently completed wing of a large medical facility, Commercial Acoustics was hired to perform field testing of various wall partitions to provide the field Sound Transmission Class (ASTC) value. The ASTC value of the partitions is a metric used to assess the sound isolation characteristics of a wall, where a higher STC rating indicates a higher level of sound isolation.
Target STCs for Healthcare
Within almost every industry there are guidelines to determine the required or appropriate STC rating for numerous room-to-room adjacencies (LEED v4, IBC, AHCA). For example, the minimum required ASTC between patient rooms on the same floor is 45; however, the minimum between an operating room and an MRI scanner room is 60 to minimize sound transmission from loud equipment.

The testing performed by Commercial Acoustics was in accordance with ASTM E336 and took place after-hours when the facility was likely to be the quietest with limited background noise. In this testing scenario, as it is within all active healthcare facilities, there is always ambient background noise generated by HVAC equipment, passing conversations and activity noise from movement or audible medical equipment which makes the readings difficult. Ideally sound testing of this nature should be performed prior to the facility becoming operational. The cost of soundproofing after occupation tends to increase from what it would cost during construction.
Healthcare Sound Testing Results
Below is the data we collected and the rooms that ASTC values of various partitions in the new wing. The report was submitted by the general contractor as a part of their close out documentation.

See: Acoustical Consulting Case Studies