Restaurant – Soundproofing AcoustiTrac Partition

Restaurant Soundproofing

Soundproofing a Restaurant Wright’s Gourmet is an upscale eatery known for its delicious meals and family-friendly atmosphere. Recently Wright’s renovated their large dining room to improve the functionality of the space and the restaurant’s ability to host business events and social gatherings. To provide sound privacy for multiple groups at the same time, options to […]

Ceiling Clouds – Restaurant Acoustical Absorption

ceiling clouds

Mekenita Cantina Mexican Restaurant is a hip and lively eatery in the heart of a booming culinary scene in downtown Tampa Florida. After the build out was complete, the space was experiencing high reverberation times which created an overpoweringly loud dining experience, and cause for complaint with patrons. This is where Commercial Acoustics came in […]

Acoustic Sound Testing in Corporate Offices

Corporate Office Sound Testing

Commercial Acoustics was contracted by Amgen Pharmaceuticals to review the modular partition layout and design of their new corporate offices in Washington, DC and Tampa, FL. While care had been taken to select suitable, STC-rated walls and a Sound Masking system had been installed and implemented, significant noise complaints were immediately evident after the TI […]

Hotel Soundproofing From HVAC Noise

Soundproofing HVAC in Hotel

Minimize Hotel Noise Complaints by Using New Soundproofing Methods There are all types of noise intrusions in hotels – from other guests to nearby roadways and airport noise. However, one noise is persistent above all others in hotels – HVAC noise! Often times the air conditioners are directly in the room, and cycled compressors or […]

New Orleans Hospital Acoustic Panels

new orleans hospital acoustics

Ochsner Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana needed an acoustic treatment for a noisy presentation room. The room hosted a number of healthcare workers that often use telecom and speaker technology in order to collaborate with other offices. The excessive reverberation in the space, due to low-pile carpet and otherwise hard surfaces, resulted in difficulty hearing […]

Effect of Noise on Sleep and Health

sleeping newborn

Noise is a critical component on sleep quality. Unlike other sensory perception, such as sight, there are no protective coverings over the ears. While eyelids close to limit perceived light, the ear canals remain open and unchanged throughout the night. That means the only difference between perception of sound between the day and night is […]

Reach STC 50 in Modular Construction

soundproofing luxury apartments

The building industry has evolved enormously in the past 20 years. While labor rates have increased, the amount of skilled labor available for many construction jobs is extremely limited. This is even more true for highly-skilled jobs, such as welding, carpentry, plumbing, and other trades. When this occurs, Architects and Contractors are forced to find […]

Increase Drywall Profits with Soundproofing Products

Soundproof Media Room

Drywall contractors are often tasked with ensuring constructed walls reach or exceed minimum STC values. In order to do this, it may seem simple to add extra layers of drywall and reap the benefits. However, the fallout could mean lost contracts when competitors realize there are much cheaper ways to hit high STC values. Related: […]

Determine Target IICs

Your IIC Rating, or Impact Insulation Class, is a major factor in how much sound tenants will hear directly below a floor-ceiling assembly. The rating is determined by using a tapping machine on an existing assembly, and measuring the amount of sound that comes through below. This test measures structure-borne, or vibrational sound – the […]

STC Ratings for Load Bearing Walls

STC Ratings on Heavy Gauges

STC Ratings for Walls One of the ultimate trade-offs in wall design is structural load versus STC ratings. It’s a relatively straight-forward proposition to achieve an STC 50 on a 25-gauge stud wall, but if the wall requires shear strength or structural load capacity, then the gauge size and spacing become a major hindrance. For […]