Monthly Archives: September 2016

Noise Complaints for Crossfit Gyms

soundproofing for gyms

As health is becoming more of a concern for Americans, trends in working out and training have increased.  Training programs, like Crossfit, are spreading like wildfire.  According to, there are over 7000 Crossfit locations around the world. Not only are individuals becoming more fit, but the gyms themselves are becoming more fit for help […]

ABCs of Acoustical Consulting

Acoustical Consulting

Every acoustical consultation is unique, and should be treated as such. Applying a blanket solution on to acoustical problems rarely results in a happy ending. However, the approach should be methodical and systematic, allowing a clear set of principles to guide a cost-effective solution that is likely to yield an acceptable acoustical design. Effective acoustic […]

Louder Music, Louder Complaints

soundproofing amphitheater

According to Nielsen Music, over 32 million Americans attended a music festival in 2014. As the popularity of music festivals increases, the demand for outdoor music venues does as well. MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater was built in Tampa Bay, FL as a way to provide outdoor musical experiences for its residents and tourists. Noise Isolation […]

Architectural Soundproofing

acoustical lab test

Architects, developers and builders work in tandem to create ideal living and working environments and to do so, sound mitigation options need to be taken into consideration. STC and IIC requirements on a project are common. The best part is that there are cost-effective ways to achieve or exceed the requirements, many of which don […]

Negative Effects of Background Noise in the Workplace

soundproofing and sound masking for open offices

Background Noise Issues in the Office Peace & Quiet. It helps us get our work done, problem solve, relax and overall just reflect on the things that matter the most. Major companies and organizations such as Google are investing in creative ways to give their employees more privacy to help their focus and overall mental […]